The female genitalia have often been poetically or euphemistically described as a flower. Artists such as Georgia O'Keefe have painted flowers that look like a female vulva, and David Vatovec has painted vulva to look like flowers. Inspired by these and many other artists who have morphed "explicit" images into a subtler form of sensual art, I am pursuing a similar project.
These were done using digital recoloring and targeted lighting:
These are done using body painting (by David Vatovek):
This will be achieved by photographing painted models. Some styles will be more abstract than others, and colors will vary from pastel to vivid. Many of the designs will be based on the particular details of the model's anatomy - like snowflakes, ladies are all very unique!
If you are interested in participating, please contact me so we can discuss the details and make arrangements. Of course, you may remain anonymous as far as public credit for the original model goes.